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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Soldner : Secret Wars System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2004-10-21 17:26:07 Views : 26501 All weapons NOTE: These are the main codes for Soldner: Secret Wars that are usually applied by typing text in-game, or by bringing down the game console. Please find the instructions on how to use these cheats below. Get 1000 of all items First make a backup of any saved games and the file you are about to edit. Then go to "game\User\Compaigns\Campaign Template\Warehouse" folder and edit the following file: Stockpile.txt (Remember to make backup copy!!). Now make a new Stockpile.txt: deserteagle:1000 five7n:1000 m1911a1:1000 mark23:1000 mark23_silenced:1000 model183:1000 qsz92:1000 ak47:1000 ak74:1000 ak74su:1000 aug:1000 awm:1000 famas:1000 g11:1000 g36:1000 g36c:1000 g3a3:1000 galil:1000 hecate2:1000 hk53:1000 jackhammer:1000 l85a1:1000 m249saw:1000 m4carbine:1000 m4carbine_grenade:1000 m60:1000 m82a1:1000 mg3:1000 milkor:1000 mp5:1000 mp5sd:1000 oicw:1000 p90:1000 psg1:1000 rg6:1000 saiga308:1000 spas15:1000 steyertmp:1000 sv98:1000 svd:1000 type95:1000 ump:1000 usas12:1000 Alhambra:1000 LAW80:1000 PzF3:1000 C90:1000 C90_AM:1000 C90_BK:1000 Bombingkit:1000 Medikit:1000 Toolkit:1000 SniperKit:1000 BodyArmor:1000 c4motion:1000 c4remote:1000 c4timed:1000 commanderkit:1000 craterfx:1000 detector:1000 MSPKit:1000 Radio:1000 RB_A-10:1000 RB_Ah-6:1000 RB_Ah-6_mg:1000 RB_An-24:1000 RB_An-72:1000 RB_Apache:1000 RB_C130:1000 RB_Chinook:1000 RB_Comanche:1000 RB_Dauphin:1000 RB_Dauphin_t:1000 RB_f-117:1000 RB_f15:1000 RB_f16:1000 RB_f18:1000 RB_f1_mitshubishi:1000 RB_harrier_m4:1000 RB_hokum50:1000 RB_Ka-29:1000 RB_Ka-60:1000 RB_Mi-17:1000 RB_Mi-24:1000 RB_Mi-38:1000 RB_Mig-29:1000 RB_Osprey_v22:1000 RB_Q5_fantan:1000 RB_Su-25:1000 RB_Su-31:1000 RB_UH60:1000 RB_UH60_M:1000 RB_y-7h:1000 RB_Yak-41:1000 RB_Yf22:1000 RB_Bmd2:1000 RB_bmp1:1000 RB_bmp3:1000 RB_hdt-10p:1000 RB_m2a:1000 RB_m2a1:1000 RB_t-80:1000 RB_t-90um:1000 RB_Tunguska:1000 RB_Type-85:1000 RB_Type-98:1000 RB_Type-63:1000 RB_Type-89:1000 RB_313:1000 RB_Avenger:1000 RB_Bj-212a:1000 RB_Brdm1:1000 RB_Brdm2atgm:1000 RB_Btr-70:1000 RB_Btr-90:1000 RB_Cobra:1000 RB_Eq2102:1000 RB_Gaz-3937:1000 RB_Gaz66:1000 RB_Hemtt_loaded:1000 RB_Hemtt_trans:1000 RB_Humvie:1000 RB_Izh2126:1000 RB_Lada:1000 RB_Landrover:1000 RB_Pcvjeep:1000 RB_Pcvjeep_gun:1000 RB_Supply_v:1000 RB_Tract:1000 RB_Transporter_04:1000 RB_Type93:1000 RB_Ural-6301:1000 RB_Wz551:1000 You than need to create a new campaign for it to work. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Soldner : Secret Wars cheat codes.
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